You’re Not Crazy

Everything you need to know about the narcissist in your life.

You may be wondering how you even begin to unravel this mess you're in. That's exactly why I created this course, You're Not Crazy. You'll learn how to spot love bombing a mile away, the terms associated with narcissism and what tricks might be used to draw you back into the relationship.

Is this course for you? 

Let's find out.

  • You wonder why your relationship feels so intense and irresistible, but makes you feel awful and terrible at the same time.

  • You are interrogated at every turn, even when the slightest thing goes wrong. The problem is, it never ends and never gets resolved.

  • You don't understand your relationship at all anymore. Confusion and doubt flood your mind, then guilt and shame hit because you love him and maybe everything really is all your fault.

A one-time payment of $249 or six monthly payments of $50

  • Five modules (with 4-7 short videos per module) that detail each phase of narcissistic abuse

  • PDF worksheets to guide you through each action step

  • Access to the private FB group full of support from Kristi and other women that have similar experiences

  • Feedback from Kristi when you leave comments and questions as you complete the course lessons.


  • From the moment you sign up for the course, you'll have six-month access to the course materials.

  • The course materials are for individual use. Any duplication or sharing of this content is strictly prohibited by law. Each person interest in accessing the content will need their own registration and account. Additionally, every registered participant will receive their own PDF worksheets as part of their enrollment.

  • No, the lessons are pre-recorded, allowing you to watch them at your convenience and pace.

  • Each video within the modules are between 3-7 minutes long.

  • You can access the lessons by signing into your account on Kristi's website. Simply use the email address and password you created during the registration process and click on “Member Login” in the top right corner of the website.

  • For any additional questions or inquiries, please feel free to (reach out to us - hyperlink this to We're here to help.

You want your life to feel normal again but you don't even know exactly what's wrong. I get it!

I know how overwhelming (and heartbreaking and confusing and… and… and) this can feel. You don't necessarily want to leave, but you do want to know what the heck is happening to your own life and what you can do about it. And that's exactly why I created this course.

You don't have to figure this out on your own, and you don't have to keep walking on eggshells, crossing your fingers and just hoping tonight is the night things finally return to “normal”. You can learn simple strategies to help you deal with the times that don't feel “normal” by using the easy tools found inside this course.

There is so much hope in this for you if only you're willing to raise your hand, get some help and learn the best path to take to walk out of the dark fog you feel all around you. It's not hard to do, but you have to be willing to do it. Are you? I hope so. I can't wait for you to have the freedom from crazy that I felt in learning and implementing everything inside here. But first, you take courage and sign up. Your future self will thank you, and I'll be with you every step of the way.

xo ❤️
