You are


(Frustrated, Insecure, Neglected, Exhausted)

You dream about being a woman embracing your God-given strengths to reclaim control of your chaos after surviving what you went through. You can feel a desire deep inside to create a life filled with purpose, on purpose. You want to actively shape your destiny and rewrite your family’s future story.

BUT, you scroll mindlessly through socials. 

You're frustrated with a few things, some situations you wish were different. You still have insecurities that raise their ugly head at work, in social settings, in your parenting (or co-parenting) and in your relationship with God. You've been neglected in so many ways, and now it's normal that you are the one neglecting yourself. You are just plain exhausted with the overwhelming thought of everything in life and you know something must change soon.

You are definitely in the right place at the right time.

Hi there!

Im Kristi Laskie, and I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve felt all the feels that brought you here and I get you.

As a life coach and certified christian counselor, I've created something to help you no matter what part of the journey you are in.

Of course we have courses!


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You're Not A Mess

This course is a breath of fresh air when you are drowning in deep despair and feeling defeated. It’s the compass and the trail mix (the fun kind loaded with candy, not the yucky kind filled with raisins). You need to walk your way out and this course offers perspective as you watch God take your life from “down in flames” to “beauty for ashes.”


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You're Not Crazy

Have you ever thought, “Am I crazy? Am I making all of this up? Maybe it isn’t so bad…” You are likely being treated in ways that make you question your own judgement or your own reality. This course is designed to provide you with insights and strategies to navigate this complex and abusive relationship. It’s the magnifying glass you must have to see what is truly happening to you during this confusing time.


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You're Not Powerless

This year long course is specifically created to help you build the life that whispers to you from deep within your soul as you drift off to sleep. The fire that burns inside you, calling you to unlock your God-given potential, no matter what stage of life you are in.